R. A. Bauer and Associates LLC
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
Consulting and Material Testing for Corrosion and Coatings
Custom Equipment for Electrochemical Testing

Bauer & Associates has been an independent testing laboratory since February 1999. We have solved corrosion, material, and process problems for small, medium, and large companies in many fields – plumbing, marine, chemical, medical, automotive, appliances, electrical, and more. We are focused on electrochemical methods to evaluate corrosion and the performance of coatings because these methods are the most quantitative, reproducible, and predictive.
Bauer & Associates offers both consulting and testing services. Our team and partners know iron, alloy steel, stainless steel, aluminum, nickel, and copper metallurgy, both cast and wrought. Our associates know metal finishing, electroplating, and painting. We have experience with polymers, ceramics, and lubricants. We know the processing and we recognize when typically benign materials interact in atypical ways.
Bauer & Associates maintains research quality primary instruments, and in general, we follow ASTM and NACE procedures. We routinely test according to ASTM G-59, G-61, G-102, and G-106 methods. However, it is often necessary to test “real world” samples and simulate “real world” conditions to get useful and predictive answers. We have a selection of custom-made cells, fixtures, and accessories to facilitate these “real world” tests. Also, our methodologies are designed to answer client questions – here are a few –
What will the general corrosion rate be in 5, 10, or more years?
Will this material or fabrication be significantly effected by localized corrosion?
What is the galvanic corrosion rate between materials?
Will a new material perform as good or better than a traditional material?
How will a seal or gasket material effect crevice corrosion?
What will be the corrosion rate, not immersed, under regional average temperature and humidity conditions?
How long will it take for moisture to penetrate a paint, immersed or in air?
What contaminant or process change triggered unexpected corrosion?
We do more for our clients. We do more than run standardized tests and report textbook explanations. We solve problems and provide the information that our clients need to make better choices concerning materials and processing.
R. A. Bauer and Associates LLC
P.O. Box 51
South Milwaukee, WI 53172
Copyright 2022, Bauer & Assoc